Party Tent Rules

Regarding regulations, a tent is defined as a portable portable shelter in canvas that is erected outdoors for a period maximum of 6 months. All that does not meet this definition is considered to be a  building and must meet the requirements of the code of construction applying to it.

What are the tents by regulation?

• The tents used as sleeping places for 100 m2 (1,075 ft2) 1 and more (dormitory and others).
• Tents used for commercial purposes or meeting space of more than 150 m2 (1,600 ft2), or whose occupant load is higher to 60 people (show, exhibition, catering, school, entertainment, sport and others). As these tents are equipment intended for public use, they are subject to the law on the building.

Who can install these tents?

Only a qualified contractor or owner-builder can install the tents mentioned previously. He must hold an RBQ license for this purpose. The fabrics, tarpaulins and materials used for decoration must comply with the standard CAN / ULC-S109 Behavioral Testing fire from non-flammable fabrics and dandruff or NFPA 701 Fire Tests for Flame Resistant Textiles and Films.
The tents must therefore:
• be mounted at least 3 m (10 ft) from others structures located on the same property.